Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hoppy Practicing

I can't count how many lessons I've spent thinking "How can I get this kid to practice?!" 
What I've realized is that the parents don't know that practicing can be "fun" and enjoyable for them and their child. All that they know is that more times than not, it's a painful experience. I want to help parents help their children. I want the children to like to practice review pieces so they can see their progress and enjoy what they are doing.

Hoppy Practicing

I have a lot of these kind of things hangin' around my house lately... Do you?
I filled each egg with a piece of paper that I had put a review piece on.

The child gets to pick an egg, open it, and play the piece.
Yes, it might take a little bit of time to put the violin down, pick an egg, sound out the words on the paper, get the violin up and play, but hey! - if it's enjoyable, then who's complaining?

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