Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Fill the Jar

Fill the Jar
For every review piece the child gets to put a pumpkin (you could also you beans, marbles, piece of candy, etc.) into the jar. You'll probably have to make some rules so the jar doesn't get filled up by only playing the Twinkles (unless those are the only pieces you're working on). When the jar gets filled, you can have a reward for your child.

  • His favorite candy bar
  • an ice cream cone from Aggie IceCream if you live in Logan, UT GO AGGIES!
  • a special afternoon with just the two of you
  • if you filled the jar with candy - he could keep it and eat all of it - YIKES! that's a lot of sugar!
  • a special trip to the music store (where I live, Columbus Music has a section of music paraphernalia that's inexpensive) 
  • Choose what to have for dinner and/or make it!  

Also note that you can make this less/more challenging by using bigger/smaller objects and jars. 

I got these pumpkins at Target in the dollar isle (where else... right?!) during the fall, They came in a pack of 250 or maybe they were $2.50 - I can't remember, but I know I have A TON of them! I use them for EVERYTHING - mostly counters. The kids LOVE them! I gave them each 3 to use as they practice the hard spots in their pieces. They're magic I'm tellin' ya. They know they have to do it 3 times correctly in a row and then they can move on. LOVE THEM! I also have hearts that I found in February and my eyes are always looking for more - let me know if you see them around!

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