Suzuki PRACTICE is FUN!!!
Helping parents help their kids to review and practice Suzuki pieces
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
HaPpY BIRthDaY!!!
I LOVE Cheesecake - especially when it's from Cheesecake Factory! Yummy!!!
I would rather have it than birthday cake - so I did this year :)
Here's a fun way to practice your review pieces on your birthday...
Light a candle and play as many review songs until the candle is out. It's short and easy and gets the job done!
Monday, March 24, 2014
Slow, Smart Practice
Itzhak Perlman
Friday, February 28, 2014
Have your child play her preview spot on each chair in the room and see which one is the "smartest."
There are lots of other cute ideas to help make practicing fun on the
Aber Suzuki Center Parent Handbook website!
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
It's football time!!!
As I've mentioned before, I'm taking some classes with Pat D'Ercole. A while back when I told her of some struggles I was having with a student, she said,
"Dress it up in a new costume!"
This football game is a variation of her "Chip Game" she likes to play.
Here's how the game works…
*The student chooses the pink or the orange touchdown zone she wants to get to and the parent takes the other. The student in this game is going for the PINK touchdown
*Set a clear and specific goal that must be accomplished. By setting this goal, it will define what doing the repetition "correctly" means.
*The football starts on the 50 yard line

*Each time the student does the repetition correctly, the ball moves 10 yards. The student has done the repetition correctly 2x, so the ball is now on the 30 yard line.
*The student didn't do the repetition correctly. This means the ball moves back 10 yards, to the 40 yard line towards the parent's ORANGE touchdown.
Now that practicing is taken care of, go make some yummy treats and enjoy the weekend!
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Christmas left overs
My sweet friend Rebekah gave me this great for your leftover bubble wrap. For each review piece or or repetition, let your child pop a bubble! What kid won't love to do that?!
Wednesday, November 27, 2013 them one by one...
I was asked to give a talk in church about GRATITUDE this past Sunday. As I was preparing I was humbled and have seen the Lord's hand in the details of my life in grater abundance. A short video I watched about living in Thanksgiving daily, said something profound....
Our minds have the capacity to notice the unusual. The opposite is true as well. The more we see the same beautiful things, the more they become invisible to us and this is why we take things for granted.
At Thanksgiving dinner, my Grandma always puts a cornucopia at each place setting. Each is filled with yummy treats and one in particular that is my favorites.... CANDY CORN. Yummy! :) I remember hearing that there is some hiddin meaning behind candy corn, so I googled it and sure enough I found something! Lois Graham put it this way
All your blessings!
Year-round that
Christ Jesus
Rest in His
Never ending love.
I found this Candy Corn Game at Target. I thought of a few different ways you could fill in all the pieces.
- As you practice with your child, and they do a practice spot correctly 5x (or whatever the assignment is), tell him why you appreciate him playing the violin or why it is a blessing to you or your family.
- Have your child why they are grateful to play the violin or maybe why they like playing the violin
- Use it as a review game and have each pin be a different review piece and take turns saying why you like that piece.
My hope is that we can all see the blessing that music is in our lives and how our Heavenly Father has blessed us with talents to make music and bless the lives of others as we use our gifts for good.
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